Sustainable Agriculture Project
From 2016-2019 the Mudeka Foundation provided a daily sadza meal for the primary school children at Muda. In 2017 the Muda school asked the Foundation to help with a more sustainable feeding project. For this the village required a water supply to enable them to grow more vegetables and to rear chickens and hens. The Foundation agreed that this was the type of programme they would like to fund subject to availability of funds. The project would be supervised by the Mudeka Foundation managers and consultants in Zimbabwe and the UK and once established it would be overseen by the community leaders and school administration team. The relatively high cost of this ambitious project required the Foundation to divide it into two stages.
Stage 1: The provision of a dependable water supply was completed in April 2019, and can be reviewed by following the link below
Stage 2: Poultry Production and Vegetable Garden
The aims of this project are:
- The school and community will produce their own food to replace the food aid previously provided by the Mudeka Foundation.
- Excess produce will be sold in the common city shop and the proceeds will fund a larger vegetable garden and the purchase of feeds, new hens and chicks as required.
- Provide training in sustainable cultural techniques for community members.
Stage 2: 2021 Update
Progress so far (January 2021):
- A member of the community will attend a course in permaculture to encourage sustainable production methods for the projects. (Funded, but awaiting release of lockdown).
- Quotes had been obtained for the purchase of equipment, poultry feeds, chicks (for meat) and hens (for eggs). However lockdowns and inflation means that these quotes are no longer valid and new ones will be obtained.
Stage 2 is as yet mostly unfunded having been impacted by our inability to organise fundraising events during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The poor living conditions in Zimbabwe have been exacerbated by the pandemic and this community needs our help more than ever before. If you can help, by raising funds or donating, please contact us for more information, putting Muda Sustainability in the subject line of your message.