Our Schools

We currently support 43 children attending schools surrounding Harare and Chihota village in Zimbabwe. The children are selected by the headteachers and verified by our co-ordinator who visits the families and helps create profiles of the pupils. The Foundation sponsors children from Primary School to A-Levels. We work closely with the schools to not only support the children with fees but infrastructure projects as identified by the schools.

Warren Park Primary School

Warren Park Primary School is located to the west of the capital Harare.

The buildings are typical of schools in the area; simple, single-story brick buildings with concrete floors. The children meet together outside, rather than in a school hall, whatever the weather.

Rugare Primary School

Rugare Primary School, where Anna Mudeka received her childhood education, is located to the west of Harare.  Little had changed since Anna attended the school until the Mudeka Foundation funded the construction of a concrete assembly point in October 2017. Now the children no longer have to gather in the dust or mud for daily assemblies and more sports activities can be offered

Kambuzuma High School

These are children who we have continued to sponsor upon leaving primary school education. The photograph shows the pupils sponsored by the Foundation and private sponsors at the school. 

Pupils at Kambuzuma High School 2019

Muda Primary and High School

We began sponsoring children at Muda Primary School after an unscheduled visit to the school in 2012. The trustees and supporters were overwhelmed by the amount of aid the school needed and decided to take it on as another project. Two classrooms and a block of toilets at the high school, funded by the Foundation, were completed in 2015. In 2016 we were advised that many of the children were extremely hungry because of the droughts in Zimbabwe and we instigated a basic feeding programme for children in the primary school. This initiative ended in 2019 when our project to install a borehole was completed. The photograph shows pupils with educational materials taken to Zimbabwe in 2014.